Just a PSA quote...

A couple years ago, I went to a conference for those who were in my campus Christian ministry group. Similar groups from around Kansas and Missouri got together to worship and hear a speaker speak on the Gospel as well as participate in workshops. One of the themes that year was brokenness. "Your brokenness is welcome here" was a phrase I cannot remember who coined, but who one of my Bible study leaders said over and over. She lived it. She often reminded us of this phrase. You are broken. But you cannot be filled up if you are empty. The Lord loves you even though you have pieces broken, or torn, or ripped, or shattered. Jeremiah 30:17 (KJV) says that God will heal our wounds and give us health. So in moving forward, remember that even if no one else sees your brokenness as beautiful, know that you were made by the King of Kings, our Father, and you are beautiful always. You do not have to be perfect. You just need to be you. 


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