Thoughts on Stress

Raise your hand if you have ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders. 

Or in other words, stress. 

If you could see me behind this computer screen, I am totally raising my hand as well. Stress invades our lives and we can't seem to break it. Why? No idea. Is there a remedy? Many have tried, but few have succeeded. What's the point of stress if you can't get rid of it? Ah, now maybe we can answer that question. 
First, just to clear up the demographic you might be in, check off any of these following things that stress you out: 

  • Finances (such as the state of your money and spending habits)

  • Relationships (any)

  • School (shout out to my fellow college students!)

  • Car troubles (take your pick of the long list)

  • Time Management (what to do, what to do)

  • [Insert your stress here]

Why did you make me do that, you 're probably wondering. That caused stress just thinking about all those things! I get it. The whole world gets it. Now, just stay with me for a second. 
Look back at that list. 
What can you control, or maybe not control? Can you control when the stock market crashes or you get laid off because your company went through a budget cut? No. Can you control when you are in a good relationship, or can you control when you initiate a good relationship with a parent or sibling? Yes! Is it even possible for you to control what you do in you spare time, regardless of those random things that pop up that you need to get done in the next eight hours? Yes.

Checklist complete, let's move on to some ways to avoid and relieve stress. If you have a Bible handy, dive into that as the Scripture is read. 


#1: Breathe

Believe me, breathing is the last thing that I ever thought would relieve stress. But your physical self sometimes needs to calm down before your emotional self does. Breathing  helps your body assess the situation and calms your heart rate. 
If you find this a bit too "yoga" if you aren't into that, that's totally fine! Even breathing at night before you fall asleep, or just being aware of how your body is doing right then, takes less than a minute and sharpens your mental awareness of yourself.
The Bible also talks about breath. In Psalm 104, it says:

Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust. Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.
                                                           ---Psalm 104:29-30 (KJV)

In this verse, David is saying that when God is hid from the people, the people become troubled and their breath is taken away. But when they have God's spirit, they are created, and the earth is renewed. If you are not into breathing exercises, take away that when your focus is on what it needs to be, your soul will recognize God's Spirit and you will feel at peace.


#2: Pray

Pray over everything. I cannot stress that enough. Prayer is such a privilege to us who are Christians. Who better to vent our stresses to than God Himself, the One whom created us? Of course, we have a Scripture for that:

         Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. 
                                                            ---Mark 11:24 (KJV)

This is Jesus speaking. He is saying to Peter (one of His disciples) that when they pray and believe that they will get what they ask for, then they will receive what they ask for. The key here is to "believe". If, for example, you are freaking out about your car engine because it stalled yesterday, and you have no money to replace it, then pray. Ask God to bless your situation and keep you safe on the way to work, or maybe He will help you discover some money tucked away in your sock drawer. A less extreme example might be a test you are going to take in a calculus class. If you are anything like me, you panic in math. So, what to do? Pray, recognize that you need a good grade, explain to God why you are stressing, and then leave it to Him.

The key is to recognize that God has the power to do anything, and to give Him all the credit when you receive that blessing you asked for. I will leave you with this verse that explain this part more: 

      Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
                                                        ---Philippians 4:6 (KJV)

#3: Make a List

This is more hands-on than the first two options. This is what I have found works, especially if you mentally are finding it difficult to process your thoughts verbally. I have found that making a list of positive things that have happened so far, and then make a list of negatives. Then, out of that list of negatives, circle or write down the things you cannot or can control. 

Out of the things you can control, maybe make a plan on how to make better decisions or de-stressing from that thing. Out of the things you cannot control, make a plan of what you can do internally. Is your former high school shutting down and you are sad because of the memories it held for you (or perhaps not so sad, and you are rejoicing instead)? Give it to God, and thank Him for the good things. Pray about the things you cannot control and ask Him to bless those.

A verse from the Old Testament that talks about writing things down is in Isaiah:

          Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever.
                                                   ---Isaiah 30:8 (KJV)

Write it down! This verse is talking about rebellious children, but it can apply to us as well if we stretch it far. If we write things down, we are more likely to remember it. Sometimes seeing things visually helps us organize them. If you need extra motivation to become a journal-er or list-maker, check out this website linked here

#4: Stay Positive

Okay, now if someone told me to stay positive when I was stressed, I would probably freak out. So I understand if by now you're rolling your eyes behind your screen. But for real, though. Remember that list I just told you about? It mentions writing down positives and negatives. You can do this daily, or weekly, or monthly, or any time something big happens in your life. Below is a random list I came up with to explain what this means:

Positives: 4-4-19

1. Some baby giggled at me in the supermarket
2. The sun was shining today!!!!
3. I had time to print my assignment before class
4. I have enough money to pay for food 
5. I have a home
6. Someone shared a pic of an adorable puppy on Facebook 
7. We got to watch a video in place of lecture

You get the idea. Make a list of random, super small or very big things that day, and date the list. That can help you visually organize all the blessings that happen in your life, even when life is so stressful you may not realize they happen.

A verse that talks about this is in Luke:

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.
Either what woman having ten pieces of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not light a candle, and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she find it?
And when she hath found it, she calleth her friends and her neighbours together, saying, Rejoice with me; for I have found the piece which I had lost.
Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
                                               ---Luke 15:7-10 (KJV)
This verse is talking about how when only one sinner comes to God, He rejoices over than single person. The example is when a woman is searching for one piece of money and is so excited when she finds that one coin. In this way, God is ecstatic when one sinner receives Him with joy, and He receives them with joy, as well. 
Here is a site that outlines others ways to stay positive in life. 
Life happens, and although blessings are hard to find, remember that you re a blessing to God. And in His example, rejoice over even one blessing.

#4: Speak

Lastly, if stress is making you depressed or is causing more than just regular "ahhh" moments, but is causing anxiety or panic, or if you are thinking of harming yourself, talk to someone! You have a right to be heard, and there are professionals who can help you go the extra mile. There is no shame in that. If you do not need a pro but maybe just need a shoulder to cry on, then find someone you trust and speak to them about your concerns. There are many websites to help you find good ways to do this. 

There are tons of Bible verses that go over talking! But here is one that instantly comes to mind: (it is also linked)

                                               ---Galatians 6:2 (KJV)

We are called to help each other up, to give advice, to bear the burdens of others, because when doing these things we show mercy and compassion. When we show compassion, we are proving to be a follower of Christ and someone another sinner can count on. That is the way new Christians are made.

Now, you might be wondering about the point of stress. I honestly cannot tell you WHY God allows stress. But I think that it creates more patient human beings. Think about it. You might have a two-year-old, and in order to make sure they understand you, you have to be patient. It is the same way with others stresses. 

Let's recap!

I hope that your stress levels are down now. And if not, then I hope the ideas above were useful and gave you some joy today! Visit my blog another time to see more of my free verse! Remember, keep smiling and Jesus loves you!
